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Uncle Rat

A member registered Apr 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Can't wait to fight more wish/stands users!!!

All that work finally paid off, I'm still jealous.

they should add a frog as a clown 

aight thanks.

Can't wait for the full release your games are awesome I'm kinda jealous.




And I'm back, I hope you didn't forget about me... friend ;)

This is great news.

Well, I can't give it a rating or a proper rating since it's just a demo, but what I can say is that this game is off to a good start!

hopefully we see JB

(1 edit)

I have a feeling that Pucci will reset the universe and the art style will be different on the next update


SHEEESH Looks good I'm glad you're working hard on this, I thought you stop working and uploading sorry :/

hopefully in this one we will get to see the Main character in XOXO Droplet as a child

I just finish the game and its really good I am mad that I didn't get to see JB (Jelly Bean) from XOXO Droplets >:( she would fit so perfectly in this game but hey it is what it is.

i was hoping to see JB (Jelly Bean) from XOXO Droplets :(

I hope they put Iggy in this game

Why is everyone saying that the new update is fun is there a mini game? btw i don't know anything about the update its been a week since i played.

100/10 stars

i thought this was a horror game XD

Ah i see

Intertwined and Repeat is almost the same minus the wishes existing 

i was trying to ride my bike home but i got hit by a car i want to speak to there manager


it works

Time Erase or Timeline Erase more like KING CRIMSON


what about Jinny i want to take her route i wanna be a ghostbuster member :/


I know this game is not done YET but i really enjoy wasting my life playing this game =)

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.

wishes more like STANDS

cool game


when will Lake get an update?