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A member registered May 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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This game is short and fun to play on the android version, you did well on this!👍🏿

The gameplay is fine but after I record It went dead silent, so I replaced it with some music and sounds if that's ok. Again, this game is fun

I made a video about it, this game was fun along with the power-ups after beating the enemies

This is such an awesome game and I enjoyed it so much, I can't wait for the full version for the release!^^

I made part 2 of your game and I manage to beat it, it was very enjoyable to play. Thx for the tip

Thank you so much for the tips, I'll keep those in mind for round 2!

(1 edit)

I got stuck at the 4th stage on many attempts, some power-ups or items are useful to beat the monsters.

Great game, I enjoy playing it.

Happy New Year!^^

It was nice having an interaction with "The game" by letting me choose my favorite color green for the text and playing mini-games. I really enjoyed it

that's no problem , i enjoy playing it ^^

The ending caught me by surprise that it scared me. Good game

Good game dude! this scared me a lot when I saw that thing, 

I had fun playing this game especially the glitch when i jump on and pick up the block

This game was awesome!, i like the design of monsters along with the music, although it was difficult i enjoyed it very much i can't wait for the full version :)

I like the game, it's similar to SCP

Press down to past the fire include avoiding attacks from enemies

There won't be a full game, but it's worth playing :).Made video

Nice :)

First! and i like the game, it has different endings depending on the contract. I made a video of it. 

I forgot to post this and it's really good and sorry if my video glitch thought.

I like this game but i didn't know it had seperate endings

Both a bit fun and creepy I enjoy it.

What an Awesome game you made

(1 edit)

This game is good and it's kinda sad y'know

I know this is 3 yrs back so i made a video about it so enjoy but i recomend playing it. 

This game is amazing it's a bit frightening and the texture can give someone a good scare. I enjoy this game :)


I made a video about this game it wasn't much but it was fun :3

This game is so good. Made a video of it 


Nice horror game