have to agree with those saying the timer is too short... the art is really cute but the best ive been able to do is to the second cg! would be nice to have an easier mode or option for those of us who cant spam that fast :3
A member registered Jun 09, 2019
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very fun game!!! however, are the employees supposed to be getting paid while on leave? the amount that goes down each hour while im playing seems to be independent of how many employees are on leave (it goes down like all of them are working even if none of them are!). also, the placement seems to be a little strange when checking if its allowed, and the distance you can place something to one side of a wall is different than you can for the adjacent sides (for a single wall block). specifically it can get a lot closer if the wall face is perpendicular to the road. aside from that and some typos in the tutorial its a very good and very fun game!!