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A member registered Mar 01, 2019

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This is a great start for your first detective game! The art is great and the controls are easy to use. 

Just a few minor things - I'd definitely recommend a full screen mode, as it's a little difficult to read the dialogue options. 

You can ask Wolfgang about the criminal record before speaking to Alexandria, though I don't actually recall her mentioning this in her dialogue either. It would be neat to see you incorporate a system of dialogue that changes after collecting certain clues or speaking to certain people (though I don't know anything about game development and don't know how difficult this would be to implement!)

It's also a little strange to me that you can speak to one of the children but the other does not seem to be present anywhere - it made me think originally that something had happened to Cassian as well. 

I think my biggest issue is that I don't understand at all what the motive was, so it made finding the killer difficult. 

Overall, I think this is a great first attempt and I'd love to see the story fleshed out a bit more :) 

I would definitely be interested in playing a more fleshed out version of this!

I think it would be helpful if it was a little more clear what exactly you were interacting with - maybe put labels over things instead of just a big "INTERACT" icon? 

Also, I'm not sure if I just missed this or not, but there doesn't seem to be a way to review what you've picked up, so I spent about 10 minutes wandering around before I realized that I had not actually picked up the briefcase yet. 

Overall, this seems like an interesting game that could just use a few QOL updates :)

really not sure what i'm supposed to be doing with the pictures... can't back out of them after looking at them, and pressing a just gives me the same dialogue. 

I do not seem to be able to do anything. I can turn, but only if my mouse is outside of the game window. 

This game runs nicely and looks good. A level counter would be super useful - I genuinely can't tell if I'm making any progress or not. 

I didn't realize that the pipes on the side were part of the game until I looked at the guide, so that could definitely be more clear. 

Overall a neat little Exit 8 clone. Would be cool to see more added to it, like the person walking from the original game. 

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finally figured it out!

edit: ........ but I can't figure out the code to the downstairs door. lmao

Really enjoying this game so far, but I am totally stuck on the third fuse :( I've checked everything several times and have no idea how I'm supposed to use it. Not sure if I'm supposed to open the first floor combination door before or after using the fuse, but I can't figure out that code either. :(

(1 edit)

this could be a super fun game, but it is riddled with bugs. submitted a report about a few of them while i was still early in the game, but at this point i don't think i can progress any further. i've finished both sisters quests (this room is completed bugged out by the way) but, but when i try to give juliette the box it says "i don't know why she would need that", and nothing updates. i was able to convince them to drop the feud despite this (why does Jules appear out of nowhere in this scene btw?), but my only remaining quest is to find bernard and i have no idea how to do that. 

a bit more detail from your character when interacting with objects would be useful (i.e., the gate being "closed" rather than "locked" made me think I needed to find some sort of switch to open it). 

also, i have no idea where to find the third philosophy book. i looked at the walkthrough, but when i opened the chest my character just said it was empty and i couldn't interact with it any further, which also wasted my crowbar so i couldn't complete the plumber quest.

lastly, other quests didn't update. for example, i got rid of the holy man, but there are no checkmarks in the quest and I can't say anything about it to rose. 

This is a super fun little game! My only recommendation would either be to make the noodles look a little more different or add subtitles when you click on them to confirm. I'm deaf, so the characters only saying things and not having them written down when everything else is written down is not very helpful. 

This is a great little game! I love the art and had a blast trying to figure out how to get all of the endings. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the secret ending despite watching two walk throughs, unfortunately :(

Well, the premise sounds neat but I'm really not sure what I'm supposed to be doing. I don't seem to be able to actually inspect any of the items, nor can I change where I've placed them or disconnect them from other items. 

This is a beautiful game! I too was a little confused at first, but once I got the hang of it it was very enjoyable.

I did notice one thing, which I will post below so others don't see it as easily:










Pressing D shows which pieces are red herrings and when they are turned to the correct angles. I was messing around with the buttons before I realized I needed to right click and found this. 

would love to see more of this, the atmosphere is very cool and the story is intriguing. 

subtitles or a warning that you need sound to really "get" the ending would have been nice. i'm deaf so... didn't realize anything happened there until i watched a playthrough with closed captions. 

This definitely has potential but, and maybe this is just me, I have absolutely no idea what to do. I opened one code lock, found a key, opened a drawer with a note about watering plants in it (as one puts in a locked drawer) and now I have no idea what to do. I don't seem to be able to interact with the water cooler or pick anything up. There's a million notes and books scattered around but no clear way to know what to do with them. I've tried about 15 different numbers that I've found in the room but none of them seem to do anything.

Also, full screen mode seems very necessary if you're going to insist on using the scroll wheel to turn pages. I had to keep pressing ESC and click outside of the game window to view the book pages, as the scroll wheel... scrolls. 

Neat concept. Could definitely use some QOF improvements. 

As another commenter mentioned, an explanation of the shapeshifting mechanic would have been super useful. What can I do in shapeshifting form? Are there the same limitations? Why can a rat pull a level but not search a bookshelf?

Explaining that the light area around the piano is sun and not several candles, which is what they look like, would be useful as well. 

Lastly, for the love of God, the movement speed is abysmal. I got the ability to push statues and then died in the sun that I could not tell that I was standing in and I simply don't want to go back and slowly walk around the area again to get to where I was. I understand that he is injured at the beginning, but if he can push large stone pillars around he can walk at faster than a snails pace. 

Great art and dialogue, but the movement speed and lack of checkpoints really brings the game down. 

doesnt load for me beyond 70% in chrome, firefox, or edge. 

can't interact with browser mode at all in chrome, and just a black screen after the opening title on firefox and edge :( 

interesting concept, but it needs a lot of work. i can't turn around or look down to examine the data pad on the ground without sacrificing the use of the mouse, which you need to fill out the information sheet. there's not really a lot of deductive reasoning going on. when you get the solution, nothing happens. you just continue walking around. at least generate an end screen or tell us if we're supposed to do something else. 

This is a great little game! Some camera control would be nice, the trees on the bottom half of the screen can make it difficult to see at times, and it took me forever to find a certain tool. Sprinting would also be nice!

Great work, would love to see a longer version with more puzzles, items, and lore! 

It now says "You" instead of character name but still shows me a line of code. 

I've found another issue - it seems to stop allowing you the option to review the text if you already know one of the words. I've looked at the text in both hospitals and end up stuck on the screen because it will neither correct my answers nor let me back out. However, the hospital graffiti text works because I didn't already have any of the answers. Not sure if this is intentional or not, but an option to get out of the text screen would be super key. 

The concept of this game is super near and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it, but unfortunately right now it is very difficult to play given the above. 

(also, a "New Game" option would be great. Refreshing and opening/closing the window still only gives me the option to continue, which would be nice if I wasn't stuck on a text screen)

glitches out when trying to talk to archaeologist. it just says "character name" and then when i press next it gives me a line of code. happened both times i refreshed the page, had to press e again to fix it 

another great game, super happy to see it! it'd be nice to be able to jump around chapters after completing the game to check out alternate options without having to replay the whole thing. one question however [spoilers below]















would we not have recognized the doctor from the news paper clipping? we see his face both on the security screen and through the window.. 

Also having this issue. Have tried 4 times, super frustrating. 

Beautiful game that I would love to finish, but unfortunately it is glitching out for me. After visiting the house, it seems from other playthrough videos I am supposed to get more dialogue with Elsa, but that doesn't happen for me. The teacher does not show up outside the bar either. Too bad, but what I was able to play was great!