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A member registered Oct 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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I like seeing people interpret rooms different ways. For me the one that stood out most was the euphoria room where the path came up when you walked forward. I made it across, but every time I tried going back I just kept falling over and over into the gray below it. Even if unintentional, I felt like it really represented how reaching a state of gender euphoria is for me, where I had it at one point but as time went on I got confused and lost all over again. But then I just climbed the stairs the devs put in, and slowly found the right way to walk so that I could keep the path forming for me. Loved everything about this game. <3

Seriously incredible! I was worried it was gonna be another standard yandere game, but that isn't how it turned out at all. The story is genuinely amazing and I didn't expect the twist of what the forest was for at all. Couldn't put this down until I got every ending. No complaints here, loved it so much. You're really a great storyteller OP!

So much fun! Can not beat it, but came pretty close a few times! Definitely has a lot of replay value :]