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A member registered Jan 05, 2024

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(2 edits)

Hello! 馃憢馃檪 I've tried your version where Peach stops, and calling for Mario when she enters the area Mario is in (I haven't beaten it yet, but I will keep trying). I love the idea, your game is really scary (it actually gave me nightmares, lol). I love your designs on characters, the way the ghost of Peach looks. I have wondered alot, though... will the story of what happened to Peach be reveiled in your game? I've always wondered what happened to Peach, why she's dead, and why she's hostile towards Mario, when they were such good friends, maybe even more than that. I would love to see the story of what happened, your game is fantastic and scary, and gave me plenty of interest. Thank you for creating such a great horror game out of a usually innocent game. You are a master of horror. 馃ぉ I never thought I would be terrified of a Mario game, but you made it happen. 馃檪馃憤