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A member registered 14 days ago

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In the item part in battle you want to heal yourself or do something else in that part and it sends you to a screen and you have to exit the game

Hello I found a problem with the week version 5/12/24

thank you MKRU

Hello, can you make me a tutorial so I can pass it please?  MKRU

Hello, can someone tell me or help me how to open the door to FRIEDRICH KNIGHTS SANCTUARY? 

I have these numbers but I don't know if they are correct, they are 9 6 8 3 Please, I'm new to the game and I liked it a lot but I don't know how to do that.

(2 edits)

Hello, can someone tell me or help me how to open the door to FRIEDRICH KNIGHTS SANCTUARY? 

I have these numbers but I don't know if they are correct, they are 9 6 8 3 Please, I'm new to the game and I liked it a lot but I don't know how to do that.