Awesome story and artwork! Excited for the final chapter c:
Recent community posts
I’m so impressed by all the work that went into this, from the awesome artwork (I especially love the sprites of the main crew), the polished voice acting, the atmospheric and tense writing. Love the vibe that there’s something off with the mountain, the company they’re working for and the research expedition in general, and how the mystery gradually unfolds. I’m looking forward to the rest of the story!
Can’t reiterate how much I adore the art and visuals of this, especially the manifestations of the characters’ fear. The demo was dope and I’m looking forward to the full release! BL in a gorgeous horror manga artstyle with Junji Ito references? Sign me up!
Funny how the fear-sucking demon is the LESS terrifying of the two main characters~
Wow, this was fantastic! Beautifully written and so incredibly impactful despite the smaller scope. Echoing all the other comments about admiring Luke’s conviction, even in the face of the end of the world. I’m super late to this jam but this was a really awesome example of telling a compelling, complete, and impactful story in just one thousand words and one of each asset.
Really captivating story with some super SICK artwork and monster designs! Seriously, the monsters were some of the most unsettling things I’ve seen in a while! The characters were all well-rounded, Vivian was my favorite but Anita was a solid protagonist as well. What I found most interesting about her was how she was often an unreliable narrator, with many of her observations marred by her own insecurities and trauma. I did catch on to the twist with a certain character pretty early on from the contradictions in their dialogue, but it was still a satisfying reveal. I also liked the small bits of worldbuilding, how there were pieces of magic and supernatural beyond the mundane. Overall, awesome job with this!
So much fun! I’m always down for a good summer camp slasher and gay shit, so naturally this was my jam. Great use of classic teen horror tropes and a fun 80s aesthetic, some nice voice acting too. I did think the middle section felt a bit rushed and would’ve loved to see more loops, so I’m excited to hear there are plans to expand that part. Awesome job!
This was flipping fantastic! I really loved the theater setting and enjoyed seeing the lengths Isabelle went to win back her coveted role and the consequences she had to face as a result. The characters were all well-written, I was drawn to Isabelle, Acantha, and King especially. I played through both endings and found them satisfying in their own ways, though I think I’m a bit more partial to the “tragic” ending. It felt more thematically significant with Isabelle’s fatal ambition matching Lady Macbeth’s own, and the “what’s done cannot be undone” final line was just chef’s kiss. Awesome job!
Is the build with voice acting still planned?
This was absolutely phenomenal, from the gorgeous artwork to the sound design, storytelling, horror, atmosphere, integration of local Indonesian ghost stories. I still have yet to play Paranormasight but I love its artstyle so I definitely dug the visuals here as well. Definitely one of my faves from this year’s Spooktober jam. Will there be a guide/walkthrough posted at some point? I think I’ve hit all the endings (I’ve got all the CGs in the gallery at least), but I just want to make sure I didn’t miss anything.
Also I love Satria <3
This was an awesome game! I love the artwork and aesthetic, and the story was super engaging the whole time! I just wish we had a better idea of what went down between Abel and Crowley. I know we had a few hints, but I was never able to put the picture fully together in my head. My gut feeling says Abel isn’t actually as bad as Crowley claims he is though, and Crowley was just preying on MC’s insecurities about him for his own vengeful purposes.
The artwork is fantastic, and the story is really intriguing so far. I loved the nightmarish vibe with faces, names, and dialogue being strangely distorted at certain parts. The sound design was really great and effectively unsettling, though there were some portions where the music was a bit too loud for the voices. I’m looking forward to the full game!
This was utterly fantastic! The writing was phenomenal, especially the way Mari was written. She felt like a very realistic and fascinating portrayal of someone who was pessimistic, toxic, abrasive, self-sabotaging, but in spite of all that, still yearned to be better, yet too insecure to make it happen. I definitely found myself relating to several aspects of her character, for better or worse.
All three endings were satisfying, though I think the one where Mari takes over Goldie’s life was my favorite. Despite having everything she wanted on the surface, because of her mindset she still fails to be truly happy. Felt like a really cool episode of The Twilight Zone or Outer Limits. Kudos to everyone who worked on this!
This was amazing! Absolutely loved everything about it, from the storytelling to the artwork, atmosphere, character designs, the budding relationship between the Jay and Do Yoon, diversity of the characters etc etc. Great mix of spooky, wholesome and angsty depending on your choices. Thanks for making this <3
First off, let me just say I adore your games and your artwork. It’s truly some of the best I’ve seen on, but I have to agree with a few of the comments that this one ends a bit too abruptly. I’m all for ambiguous endings, but there could’ve been a bit more to chew on, even if it’s just June’s final thoughts as she deals with whatever decision she made.
I just wanted a bit more, not necessarily an explanation about what’s happening (there’s enough narrative breadcrumbs that implicates some otherworldly entity in the ocean calling people into the water, at least that’s what I gathered), but moreso an elaboration on how the situation impacts June and how that ties into the game’s themes. Elevator Hitch for example did a great job nailing its ending while still leaving the machinations of its world mostly unexplained and its themes open-ended.
I’m also unsure how to feel about the central theme itself. Assuming it really is allegorical to the nature of friend groups, and learning to cut off toxic and self-destructive friends instead of letting them drag you down with them (based on June’s conversation with Ryan on Sunday night), it’s hard to reconcile the fact that their toxic attitudes felt more a result of the “curse” rather than their own free will.
Where we were meant to view June’s friends as toxic even before anything started happening? In which case the message doesn’t fully land as (imo) there wasn’t really anything separating June and Ryan from the other three, other than the fact that they weren’t affected by the “entity”. Or if this was meant to be a regular, perfectly healthy friend group that only soured as a result of the “curse”, then the decision to cut them off doesn’t quite feel earned. I think some additional character development could’ve helped make the game’s greater point more clear.
Still, the artwork was gorgeous as always, the vibes were immaculate, and this was some of the best use of tension and mystery in an Investigrave game yet. I just found out about Jackpot Crash Course and I can’t wait to play that too!