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A member registered Sep 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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The mechanics of this game are great!  Seriously my favorite of the jam so far.  Amazing job on those + the level design around them :D

I wish there was an expanded version of this game, because even though this felt a bit incomplete to me, I really enjoyed what I played of this game!  There were a bunch of small details I really liked, like the animation of the main character waking up, how you have to physically stir the coffee drinks to make them, and so on.  As other people commented, I also experienced the ice bug!

This was fantastic!  Art is amazing, and the mechanic was executed so well.  I was genuinely sad when I finished - it was so fun that I didn't want to stop playing :^)

This game was really fun!  I thought the shrinking/growing mechanic was really well-executed - loved how intuitive a lot of it was, as well as the progression of difficulty.  There were times I had to step back and figure out how to proceed, but I never felt frustrated.

Hey, I was the artist on this!  Thank you so much for your helpful feedback.  We're hoping to update the game once the voting period is over and fix the issues you mentioned with the gameplay, as well as add some other features that'll hopefully make it more balanced and fun to play.  We'll definitely make sure to take your criticisms into account for that :^)