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A member registered Nov 17, 2020

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Stand Name: Overkill (motorhead )
Ability: Expolsive smoke cloud
Apperance: overkill Is a natural nonhumanoid stand  emanates from a cigar that is in the shape of a .308  hollow point round that has a carving on it called sweet leaf(Black Sabbath) the stand itself is a ever-present smoke that emanates from the cigar that is a formless cloud of yellowish black smoke that reeks of Sulphur and brimstone as some would describe.

Description: Overkill Is a ever enveloping cloud of highly explosive smoke  that ignites on physical contact as well as having corrosive properties

Limitations: Overkill is a very slow stand and can only travel up to 130 ms a minute as well as being weaker on windy days as it slows it down even more

Power:A (Referring to power of explosion's)
Speed: E(Referring to speed of which overkill can travel)
Range:C( Referring to how far the smoke can reach)
Durability A (its smoke you cant really hurt it)
Potential B (how much can it hurt you)


Hellraiser(when the smoke touches you the user has the option of the smoke entering your body through any orifices(that can range from your mouth a wound or even open skin pores) and will ignite if any physical harm comes to the victims of overkill and cause a massive explosion.
Killed by death:The other option that comes with the smoke is complete and udder corrosion from the smoke. while it is slow 
Make'Em blind ( overkill will envelop the user under a cloud of smoke that will obscure the user)
Stone Dead Forever (The gas will form around the users hands allowing him to punch with high explosive power)

Stand user:
Name Mikkey Kilmeister
Country of origin: Staffordshire England
Hair Brown with Maroon streaks 
Eyes: perpetually bloodshot and color is brown
Height 5'10
weight:213 pounds (97kg)
age 47
Character Mikkey kilmister was no more than a thug who dealt drugs and had a very carefree life not caring about those around him or what he did to himself
until he had to go to the hospital and was shot he survived but as well as being shot he was diagnosed with several smoking related diseases. and was terminally ill from it bedridden only for one day for him to feel better, as soon as he left the hospital he found a .308 round that was also a cigar  with the word sweat leaves carved into it. he then promptly took a smoke of it and it blew up the entire 5 story hospital. and then he realized with this power he could do more harm to himself and to others than he could ever before.