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A member registered Mar 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! This is a common bug because I couldn't find the time to fix the code for spawning the summons. I might give it an update at some point in the future though!

100% too short. I tried to fit more into the game, but I was learning new things when making this project and it made it very hard to juggle everything like balancing. Might give it an update some time in the future.

Can't play the game. Go to 'Edit Game' on your page and select 'SharedBufferArray' or something similar near the bottom.

Fun game with cool concept

Thank you for playing! Sorry it couldn't be longer and more balanced, but I was running out of time.

Yeah, I completely agree. I haven't made a game with AI before, so I had to learn on the go and that kind of hindered my time with making the gameplay better. Thanks for playing though!

That was the issue, thanks!

Just downloaded, I pressed play and the game crashes... The game looks cool, so let me know if there's something I can do to fix it.

very satisfying, enjoyed this

Thanks for playing! I didn't really space my time out so I submitted the game at like 5am. Unfortunately I wasn't able to make more levels and most important, balancing.

Really cool game! I really enjoy the roguelike/ASCII grid movement. Cool idea as well.

awesome game. hurts my eyes though

thanks a ton for this. later on would it be possible to have a .gltf version? i use godot and the preferred file format is .gltf.

i uploaded a version separate from the jam, just check my profile.

i uploaded a version separate from the jam, just check my profile.

i've uploaded the game separately from the jam. check my profile for the game, and sorry for the various bugs in advance lol

(1 edit)

unfortunately i ended up uploading the wrong file. tried uploading the right file, but missed the cutoff by like 5 seconds. thank you guys for trying though :)

although i might just uploading the game as a new project if you guys are interested.

feels good so far. the player does feel like it needs some sort of double jump. also, the players attack seems a little limited. having a better level design would also make the player attacking seems more fun. lastly, the player hit sound effect is a little brutal haha, maybe modify it to be less 'startling'?