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A member registered Oct 07, 2016 · View creator page →

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As an RNG element/DND fan, this is a lot of fun to play when I have a free 15 minutes.  So much so, I created a review of it!

An excellent take on the Attack on Titan world and story.  This game sits right up there with the 3D action titles that expect the player to be some acrobatic god as they slice through titans.

This game is very well put together and even parts that may seem like they need work fit well with the more refined ones.  

We even did a video review of this game so you, too, can excited to experience Attack on Titan Forever and get excited for the future of it!

Attack on Titan Forever - Video Review

Really looking forward to what's next!

Absolutely incredible. I am super impressed by the community built by this game, and the incredible support that pushed this game over the hump on Greenlight. Congratulations Erik on this awesome accomplishment and to the entire development team.

Also, i can't wait to play the next chapters!