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A member registered Feb 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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what if I wrote a comment

this soundtrack is so good, where can i hear the full song


holy shit how did u do the graphics

cat bomb

the voiceover acting is so good

love the piano in the soundtrack

ya it works! yummy soundtrack

love the concept with the en passant

love the physics-ness of this. excited for the multiplayer aspect!

ya holy shit what an animation

rly cool concept & I love the little tilt the box does when you fall off the edge :-)

super fun, love the movement mechanics & main character design

love the main character design, gives off so many vibes

ayyyyy where's the freaking, gabagool, ha.. ha

absolutely incredible pizza model

not sure how to explain why but the music gives off negative space energy so well

the gameplay is super fun even though it gives me so much anxiety and the bass synth is so nutty

love the style da ba dee da ba dye


I'm not at all not not unsure

I'm having trouble running this, it says my path is wrong?