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A member registered May 16, 2015 · View creator page →

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Sure, there you go.

I hacked it :) Thanks for noticing! I wondered at the last minute if it might work, and it it didn't turn out to be too complicated. If you download the main.js file and look for "search" it's just a few lines of code that react to a choice being defined as "SEARCH" and sets the contents of an Ink variable. You can do anything you like with it afterwards, so it would work for asking a player's name, for example. (I just have a switch in my Ink that diverts to the right pages depending on the string.)

Thanks a lot! There is somewhat of an ending, though it's not very fleshed out, and I made it too hard to reach :) You need to have read the right document in the knowledge base (hint: it's an identifier rather than a word) and then… say the right things — that part is a little more trial-and-errory than I intended, but there are few enough choices that it should be tolerable.

Yeah, the "good ending" (which, in what seemed like a better idea at the time, is more of an arbitrary end where the game just stops prompting you) is locked behind a knowledge base entry. Let's just say it's a four-character identifier :)

Thanks :) The knowledge base works, but I implemented it five hours before deadline, so there are very few entries  😬

Thank you! :) Yeah, that conversation ended up a little too unforgiving / poorly signposted ^^;