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A member registered Dec 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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The visuals are beyond charming, I love the chaos of all the lil snow-fellas running around! I noticed on my end that pressing R to restart isn't working, but I don't know if that's the game or my Mac just not being cooperative with it. I also noticed that clicking near the right edge of the screen just pauses the game, which makes it so that if a snowman or the Yeti gets too close to the right side it can't be shot. 

But these things aside, super cute lil game that I can see folks gathering around to play at  Chrimmus after pie!

I felt genuine anxiety every time I restarted; the way that you're thrown directly into the fire and have to be tactical about stacking order while simultaneously having no time to stop and strategize makes this some real chaotic fun that I will most definitely be making the family try out this holiday.

Very fun concept for a multiplayer mini-game; the visual style has a supernostalgic charm to it, reminiscent to the pre-rendered art style of the Windows games I loved growing up.

It reminds me of a much more punishing version of the cape flying mechanic from Super Mario World. Because there's no visual frame to indicate the optimal button-pressing time, it can be a little bit frustrating finding a consistent rhythm, but I can't say it wasn't extremely satisfying on the runs where I did lock in a solid timing and take off like Earnhardt. My best so far is 2522.79!

Delightfully and morbidly satisfying. All little Alice wanted for Christmas was a place she belongs? I daresay she found it 😈

With the 12 second time limit I figured the only way to guarantee some replay value was to make it just a weeeee bit punishing hehe. Thanks so much for checking it out and for the feedback!

(1 edit)

Done, thanks so much for trying it out and for the shoutout!