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A member registered Jul 07, 2019

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(1 edit)

So since there isn't a proper suggestion thread, I figured I'd start one. I'm gonna start by saying I like the game, quite a bit really. The gameplay is reasonably fun, the porn is nice, and something about it hooked me a lot harder than I thought it would. So now here I am, 5 hours sunk into 0.7.5, and eagerly awaiting more. I need to know who's in the tent. I need to know how I can bring Jessie back to the lodge. I want to know who that dude behind the fence is. I need a researcher in a lab coat to bone.

I'm starting with this because I don't want you to think that anything following this means I didn't like the game, because I loved it. I just want to offer what criticism I can to help you build a better game. Of course, if gameplay isn't your focus, then that's fine too. Either way, here are a few things I noticed while playing.

First up, your trader prices are disgustingly generous. Like, infinite of 4 items kind of generous. Specifically, scrap metal, water, pistol bullets, and shotgun shells.

So right now, Jessie has a trade offer of 5 scrap metal for 4 water. That's already incredibly generous considering I was practically drowning in water well before I got to her. The problem then is that it's 5 pistol bullets for 5 water. But wait, one scrap metal breaks down into 3 pistol bullets. So that 5 scrap metal for 4 water means you're paying 4 water for 15 bullets. Which is worth 15 water. Which means you very quickly end up with infinite scrap metal, water, and pistol bullets, and then since there's also a trade for 3 shotgun shells for 2 scrap, infinite shotgun shells.

Not going to lie though, this doesn't actually change the game all that much. Ammo is really only a concern early on, and taking Rachel with you everywhere early on goes a long way towards making that NOT a concern, wood is always a much bigger limiting factor than metal, and I was literally drowning in water at every stage of the game. Still though, if nothing else, having an infinite resource generator in your trader probably isn't what you want. Better prices would be like 1 scrap for 2 water and 1 water for 2-3 pistol bullets.

Next, the shotgun is hot garbage right now. Those two side bullets will almost never hit anything, so having a shorter range than the pistol, as well as ammo being twice as expensive makes the pistol strictly better in every way that matters. It'd be a lot better if the two side shots targeted 3-4 tiles forward and one to the left or right, or something similar, rather than just straight diagonal from you.

On the flip side, the bat is way too strong. Doing the same damage as a gun with no resource cost and still being able to hit before the enemy can means the only time to even bother pulling out a gun with during boss fights and if you just can't be arsed to walk over to a zed. And even bosses are a cake walk, except for Vampy Boi, and I'm reasonably sure using guns would actually make him harder. If possible, it'd be better for the bat to be a 2-hit kill for regular zeds, and half a heart to bosses.

I really do understand though, that the weapon balance is mostly a problem with RPGMaker and trying to make a combat system yourself using the overworld stuff. I tried messing around with that myself once upon a time, so I totally get that these just may be problems that never get solved. If you can figure out a way though, like tightening the spread on the shotgun and reducing the bat's damage, it'd really help the combat portion.

Oh yeah, shoutout to Yippie Ki Yay Mr Falcon. His video playthrough of this game showed up in my recommended section, and now I'm here.

tl;dr trader prices are whack, shotgun sucks, bat op, but rpgmaker has problems so I get it, great game keep it up, thanks Mr Falcon for showing me da wae.