Good job! I like the old PSX Silent Hill graphics. Fond memories of yore. :D
GamifyTheWorld (Bill)
Recent community posts
The glowing turds are awesome.
True story: I had an idea to make phosphorescent dog food so that turds glow in the dark so you can see them and not step on them late at night.
Turns out the level of phosphorus needed to survive digestion and allow turds to glow causes severe vomiting, diarrhea, painful cramping, and other horrible stuff.
Not a good idea.
So wait. The "this pack has been revoked!" for patrons means that if I join your patreon that I don't get this asset? Or... what?
Nvm, I get it. It's all about what is available as "always" and the expansions and etc... and such.
Your patreon tiers are a little confusing. I'd prefer a license to everything you have created and will release that gives me a discount over buying individually. Not sure if you have that.
I was able to get the walls going in Unity rule tiles. I'm working through the rest of it. It's useful that you provided a reference document.
I absolutely love your asset packs and have purchased most all of them. What I want to do is make rule tiles in Unity, but I'm clueless as to the layout you are using in each sheet (except for props and animations).
The hardest part about using huge spritesheets like this in Unity is that building without autotile is tedious and makes it a very monotonous experience.
If you could share a map in any format (Tiled tmx would be awesome) it would be very helpful as a reference.
Thanks for the reply. I know a lot about Unity, but I come from the 3D world and I'm new to tilemaps and such. I did notice that there are some importers for unity that will take maps from Tiled and bring them in. Perhaps I'll give that a go.
This is the asset that looks like it could do it. I just want to have auto tiling setup without having to spend too much time on it. I guess I'll roll up my sleeves and see how it goes. :D