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A member registered Sep 19, 2023

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Hey, paisanos! It's the Super Mario Brothers Super Show!
We're the Mario Brothers, and plumbing's our game.
We're not like the others who get all the fame.
If your sink is in trouble, you can call us on the double.
We're faster than the others; you'll be hooked on the brothers!
H-hooked on the brothers.
Yo, you're in for a treat, so hang onto your seat.
Get ready for adventure and remarkable feats.
You'll meet Koopas and Troopas, the Princess and the others.
Hangin' with the plumbers you'll be hooked on the brothers
To the brim.
I say uh hook hook hooked on the brothers, the brothers, the brothers...

Cartoon theme

Yo, yo! It's the Mario Brothers, and plumbing's their game.
Found a secret warp zone while workin' on the drain;
Lendin' Princess a hand in the Mushroom Land.
Jump in action with the plumbers you'll be hooked on the brothers.
Now evil Koopa and his Troopas are up to misbehavin'.
They kidnapped the Princess; Mushroom Land needs savin'.
Abusin' and confusin', everybody has discovered
They can't help but be hooked on the brothers.

Live-action: "Neatness Counts"

Guest star: Nicole Eggert

Mario and Luigi are criticizing each other's tidiness when they find TV's Nicole Eggert (Charles in Charge) in their medicine cabinet, checking the expiration date on their toothpaste. Luigi makes a point of telling her how neat and clean they are. It turns out that TV's Nicole Eggert is on her way to a party, and she's looking for plumbers to fix her kitchen sink. The Marios attempt to demonstrate their sink-fixing abilities on a practice sink that they happen to have in the middle of the room, and they end up spraying TV's Nicole Eggert in the face with sink water. "Uh oh!" they exclaim.

Cartoon: "The Bird! The Bird!"

Written by Reed & Bruce Shelly

Mario, Luigi, Toad, and the Princess are wandering around Ice Land looking for magic to free the Princess's kingdom and send the brothers back to Brooklyn. Suddenly, Toad is grabbed by a female Birdo who takes him to her nest in the top of a mountain. Mario volunteers himself and Luigi to climb the mountain and rescue Toad. Meanwhile, the Birdo has decided that Toad is her offspring, "Cheepy," and proceeds to cover him with saliva. Toad decides that he's gotta get out of there.

The Marios and the Princess are trying to climb the mountain, but a sudden earthquake creates a big chasm directly in front of them. The Princess and Luigi immediately give up and decide to leave Toad for dead, but Mario invokes the plumber's motto to inspire them to jump across. A couple of Flurries watching from the distance alert King Koopa of the plumbers' and Princess's presence, and Bowser orders the Flurries to lick his feet and a flock of Albatosses to carry out an air raid.

Meanwhile, the Birdo is singing Toad lullabies and forcing him to drink from a bottle of some unknown liquid. A cuckoo clock with a goofy human face chimes, reminding the Birdo that it's time for Toad's flying lessons.

The plumbers and Princess continue their climb. When Luigi asks how the situation could be worse, an Albatoss drops a Bob-omb in front of them. Mario slaps it out of the way, where it hits another Albatoss. They slap some more Bob-ombs out of the way, but then the Albatosses cause an avalanche. Our heroes run away, hiding from the snow behind a green door and getting trapped in a room of some sort by the snow.

Meanwhile, the Birdo is carrying Toad around. When Toad tries to bribe her, her voice suddenly changes to a much higher pitch as she declares that she'll drop him when she reaches 30,000 feet, thus teaching him to fly.

In the room of some sort, the Princess spots a Fire Flower. For some reason, she has to explain its value to Mario. Mario gets pasta power by playing patty-cake with Luigi, then jumps up to the ledge and gets the flower. Now Fire Mario, he melts the snow with fireballs.

Elsewhere, King Koopa is awarding medals to the Albatosses, but he changes his tune when Flurries tell him that our heroes survived. He vows to lead the next attack himself.

The Marios and the Princess have apparently given up on the search for Toad and are sitting around being sad and hungry when they hear the cries of a baby Birdo trapped in an ice cube. Mario melts the ice with his fireballs. It turns out that the baby Birdo is Cheepy, the son of the Birdo who captured Toad.

That Birdo has reached 30,000 feet and drops Toad. He realizes that he can use the top of his mushroom head as a parachute and does so, landing on the site where the Marios and the Princess are chilling out by the campfire. He promises to take Cheepy to his mother, but suddenly Koopa shows up with an army of Koopa Troopas and Flurries, which Mario defeats using fireballs. But an exploding Bob-omb robs Mario of his super status, and our heroes find themselves surrounded by Koopa's army. Just when it seems that they're doomed, vegetables start falling from the sky, courtesy of Toad and the Birdo. Koopa freaks out and orders his troops to retreat. The Birdo follows them, bringing along Mario and Toad, who drop vegetables on the retreating troops.

Koopa escapes, and the Birdo invites our heroes to dinner, where she serves them worms who are highly insulted by Mario's refusal to eat them.


Princess Toadstool mentions that Toad has saved her life a hundred times.

Plumber's Log: "Number 101: The Land of Ice. Me and my brother Luigi had just rescued Princess Toadstool from King Koopa and were looking for the magic that would set her kingdom free and get us home to Brooklyn."
Plumber's motto:

  • "Don't take chances or you'll go down the drain."
  • "When the pipe is plugged, keep plunging!"

Baddies: Birdo, Flurry, Albatoss, Bob-omb, Koopa Troopa
Powerups: Fire Flower
Food references:

  • Mario: Luigi and me'll climb that mountain before you can say spaghetti and meatballs.
  • Mario: Pasta power!
  • Luigi: It's a Bob-omb! Mario: And I was hoping for a nice salami sandwich.
  • Mario: Patty-cake, patty-cake, baker's man. Give me pasta power as fast as you can. Pasta power!
  • Mario: I'd pay two hundred bucks for a nice pepperoni cheesecake right now.
  • Mario: My favorite dish! Spaghetti!


  • Mario: I'd pay two hundred bucks for a nice pepperoni cheesecake right now. Cheepy: Cheep, cheep! Mario: Who called me cheap? I'll pay three hundred bucks!
  • Luigi (surrounded by Flurries and Koopa Troopas): They've got us surrendered!
  • Koopa (in the manner of a schoolteacher): Who threw that vegetable?

Live-action conclusion:

The Marios are apologizing to TV's Nicole Eggert for soaking her. She nearly sits on a cake, but Luigi stops her and leads her over to a furnace, which covers her with soot. Then she steps on the cake, sits on a pie, and gets garbage dumped on her. The Marios are apologetic, but it turns out that it's okay because the party she's going to is a "sloppy party" -- the person who dresses the sloppiest wins! Mario and Luigi buy right into this and proceed to rub cake all over her nubile young body.

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