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A member registered Mar 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! We wish you liked our game. Feel free to play our other games in our page!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! We wish you liked our game. Feel free to play our other games in our page!

Because we have seen many of you getting stucked during the chase all you have to do is when your flashlight turns red is to switch your flashlight off and not move until the chase music stops.

As for the objectives they are shown in the left of you when you enter the market to play in a paper that says "Objectives"


It has been a while since we've seen you!

This game is free again from now on.

A new game is coming called "The Dark MarketPlace" in about 1-2 weeks.

See you soon!

Thanks, donation is always optional, we will make the models less shiny in the next update for this game!

Another game is coming up next Monday that will be a lot bigger and we are working it for a month now!Stay Tuned

Thank you very much for playing we hope you enjoyed it!Feel free to play our other games

Thanks for playing!We hope you liked it!