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A member registered Jul 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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What viewing/camera angle would you say these are drawn at, please? Trying to improve my understanding!

I tried these out in Aseprite. The following font sizes worked for me:

  • Font v1: 16px
  • Font v2: 10px
  • Font v3: 8 px

Please can you add a wider entrance?

Hi LimeZu, please can you add a Zombie character?

I know there is the green one in Modern Interiors > Single Characters Legacy, but the color looks out of place, and it's missing animations.

Please can you create a grey-ish, Zombie-looking Zombie, including a Walking animation with the arms stretched out in front of the body?

(1 edit)

Hey, this is awesome! Please could you add the front and back views for the flamingo float?

I have tried to draw it myself, but oh well... 😅

Pink bird attempt:  

Hey, I am thinking of purchasing the Mega Asset Bundle ( that is currently on sale for $49,99.

But in the description above it says: " It is highly recommended that you get Rogue Adventure on Unity Asset Store if you are a Unity user, the package comes with everything configured and that can save you days or even weeks of work."

So if I buy the Mega Asset Bundle on itch, does that mean it won't have the Unity packages? If so, do you sell the Mega Asset Bundle on Unity Asset store (I couldn't find it there)?

This was fun, thanks! Made it to level 18. Level 8 and 15 were particularly challenging.

On the web version, is it possible to control the space between words?

Thank you for the reply. Appreciate what you are trying to achieve, but this really isn't a great way to go about it.

It is much too easy to miss those type of updates, unless customers regularly check your itch page. Plus, customers have to remember not to delete the older versions on their computers when downloading a new one. So over time, customers will have to keep around lots of versions.

I vaguely remember there was an early bird version as well. Is that still included, or do I have to search through my older downloads for that?

What do you mean by "This exclusive collection is available until 06/30, don't miss it! " ?

I have already bought this pack when it came out. When you say it is only available until, does that mean I have to download it in that timeframe and keep a backup of the zip file? As in future versions will no longer contain it?

Thanks for this!

Please can you clarify the commercial license?

It sounds like if we purchase this asset, we are still required to give credit? That's quite unusual. Typically, for paid assets, credit is "appreciated but not required".

(2 edits)

Receptionist Colors

There appears to be a small problem with the colors on the purple receptionist.

  • Left: From "3_Animated_objects" folder
  • Right:  From "1_Interiors" folder

Also, on the last two frames, her arm is missing. Or, if that's on purpose, the outline of the keyboard is missing.

Thank you very much :)

Smaller files work better!

Instead of having one Room_Builder_16x16.png that contains a lot of different things, splitting it up into a number of smaller files would be much easier to work with as a developer, especially when there are frequent updates.

So you could have a Room_Builder folder and that could contain:

  • Walls.png
  • Borders.png
  • Floors.png
  • Carpets.png
  • Stairs.png
  • etc

That works, thank you so much!

I was looking for a control room, perfect!

(1 edit)

Water! Thank you!

For the animated doors:

  • The static assets and the opening animations have no shadow below the door.
  • But the locked animation has a shadow below the door.

So if a door has no shadow at first, but then plays its locked animation, it ends up with a shadow!

For consistency, please can you standardise this to either shadow or no shadow across all door animations? 

Thank you, just watched the video. Great explanation!

Glad you like them, thank you so much!

(2 edits)

Hey, I bought this yesterday and I really enjoy working with it!

Please would you consider adding the following?

  • Hair / Beauty / Nails Salon
  • Sauna / Spa (for after the gym)
  • Casino
  • Arcades 
  • Games Shop
  • Pet Store

I understand that you have some of these elements already, but it would be fantastic if you could build them out into dedicated themes / rooms, please.

Well done! Did you find the water on itch, or did you make it yourself?

Thank you so much!

(2 edits)

Just bought this and I am trying to recreate the Receptionist Scene (your very first example at the top-right).

I am using the tiles from Interiors_16x16.png, but I am struggling to get it to look like your example, while adhering to a 16x16 tile grid. 

It looks like you deviated from that grid with either the stairs or the desk? You somehow tweaked the red carpet, which normally is longer, and I just can't figure out how to recreate the border around the edges of the elevator doors?

I am referring to the elevator that is shown on the left in this post:

What tilesize do these work with?

What tile size are these made for?

Does it come with the belly-sliding penguin? How many directions has he?

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Hey, just wondering if you saw my reply, and whether or not you were planning to make some more additions to it?

Really love what you've done so far, but would really appreciate if you could have a look at rocks and walls when you get a chance :)

(1 edit)

Awesome, I love it, and so quick! Thank you so much!

Love the littler trees, the giant stumps, and ohh there's soo many snowman now - I especially like the deer one! Thanks as well for the tents and gates, and all those mushrooms and flowers, its going to make my level so much more varied! The stairs are fantastic!

Wall Colors - For the walls, since it is winter, I was thinking it would be great to have a wall that's made of snow (similar to the style you've got on the left of Tileset 3, with the white-lightblue-blue) and one that is made of frozen ice (similar to the style at the top-right of Tileset 3, with the diagonal stripes).

Wall Sizes - I think it's important to be able to make taller walls, so it would be fantastic to have wall-top, wall-middle and wall-bottom that can be combined. It's also really important that these include diagonal pieces as well.

PS: If you make additions like these, it might be better if you could put them onto new sheet/file, as changing the dimensions of the current files may make it difficult for people to re-import into their game engine without affecting their current tile palettes and level tilemaps.  A great way to avoid this problem is to make each tileset a fixed size, fill it up from top-left to bottom-right, and when its full, simply make a new one.

Fantastic, thank you so much, I am really looking forward to it!

I get a notification every time you reply.

(1 edit)

Thank you for your reply, that sounds fantastic!

I think what is currently missing is this:

  • Level boundaries: I am not sure how these are called, but I could really use some "snow walls" for the outer edges/borders of my level. See these walls

In addition, I think what would make this tileset even better, is adding a little more variety to the decorative props. For example: 

  1. Tents: I would love to see you adding a recolor of the three existing tents in yellow and also light orange/brown as a variation. See this for inspiration: Multiple tent colors and
  2. Rocks: I could really use another three 16x16 rock tiles, two tall 16x32 rock tiles, two wide 32x16 rock tiles and a large rock that's 32x32. Here's some great rock tutorials: and And here's some inspiration: I also think some stalagmite type rocks would be a great addition, see the tall, grey rocks near the top-left. (In my game, I am making an area that essentially is a field of rocks, so the more variety the better!)
  3. Tree stump: I would love to see a large tree stump that's 32x32.
  4. Snowman: Again, more variety would be fantastic. Maybe another snowman with a black hat and one with a bobble hat?
  5. Pine trees: It would be great if you could add some smaller (baby) trees that are 32x32, one in green and one in grey.
  6. Large fence gate: I am not sure what this is called, but what would be really nice would be a type of large gate made of fence, i.e. the wood going up and over as shown for the wooden/brown fence in this image near the center
  7. Flowers: Perhaps you could add a few flowers and mushrooms poking/sticking out from the snow?
  8. Graveyard area: Just an idea that might work well with snow covering, see

Finally, here's some more inspiration for other decorative props you could add:,

Hi Sscary, I purchased this the other day and wanted to share how happy I am with it!

Are you planning to make any additions to this and/or release any other tilesets in this art style?

Belly slide, please!
