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Game Theory Studio

A member registered Jul 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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i made a mod named Show Perfects , check it out when you want . it highlights all matching sides of the neighbor tiles , not just the one touching the tile that the player is holding

i tried not to deviate from already existing code to minimize potential bugs , but there are two non-critical issues . 1st is that the very first tile in the session doesn't trigger the mod's code . and 2nd is that with track/river tiles that the game auto-rotates for you some neighbors are not highlighted on the first touch , but after that all neighbors are highlighted properly . i will try to fix that next time

i think i know how it can be useful when deciding which placement makes us the largest number of perfects . sometimes when i'm too lazy to do the counting in my head , i place the tile , check the animations , remember the number of perfects , immediately undo , then place in the other place , repeat and compare which placement gave has more perfects . if the game showed us the preview of how many perfects would be made on hover , it would be a tiny bit more convenient

i was looking into it briefly and found that the game has some code i can already reuse to find the imperfect tiles and their non-matching sides
yet , i need to see if i can introduce any visual modifications to the tiles without risk of breaking anything

so , i think it's a nice idea and i'll try to do it on the weekend , or i'll let you know if it is too challenging

Hello, I love the game and always wanted to play in on mobile.

We finally made an Android version. It also has an additional feature - Mill.

Thanks again for inspiration!