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A member registered Oct 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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I hear you, I ran out of time during the making of the game and bug fixing took up a good chunk I was hoping to use to tighten controls and add an arrow for direction.

Thank you for saying so. 

I really appreciate you saying that, I ran out of time to do everything I wanted to do on the game but I'm glad you enjoyed parts of it.

Thanks for the review, I ran out of time when working on it and had to remove quite a few pieces due to bugs but I also had wanted to add an a little glow for direction on the planet. 

I appreciate the input! I did try your method but it still just goes to ''Upload as  Game'' or ''Upload as Wallpaper Mod''.

If the file is not working try this link, not quite sure what is going wrong with the upload.