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Gale Scriven

A member registered Jan 27, 2023

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The gameplay felt fine, I had to play without sound, and it was still quite terrifying.

The map felt maybe a bit too big for me, but that might just be my apprehension with horror games and wanting to quickly get through it

Visibility felt a bit too low for me, at least when it came to the flashlight, I couldn't really tell where I was in the stage. The flashlight just didn't feel bright enough, and it felt like it didn't reach far enough, but maybe that was intentional. If it was intentional, I recommend at least a little bit more power to the flashlight

Only half joking, my favorite part of the game was being able to see. the lamps that you could put batteries in provided a small feeling of safety because it put off so much light, and I liked staying in the light

I had trouble finding the fragments in the first place, and when I did find them, I had trouble finding my way back to the center, it just felt hard to navigate because of the aforementioned flashlight not being bright enough

It felt pretty difficult, and though I thought I knew where a second fragment was, I had no idea where I was in relation to anywhere else, it might be nice to color code each "section" of the museum just to make it easier to tell where exactly in space you were

Frankly I never made it to any of the puzzles because I kept getting got before I knew what was happening, and I also didn't know where I was

I also never found the Luumba :'( It seemed light such a silly buddy when it was shown off in class

The enemies felt a bit slow at first, but as soon as they got past my defenses, I was glad they moved slow enough to panic place new towers

The only balance issue as far as the towers are concerned, I thought the ringed planet felt a little underpowered until it was upgraded. I used a lot of the asteroid belt, but it didn't feel overpowered in my opinion

The elemental aspect was the most confusing part, it wasn't clear what was good against what element, and I didn't know what elements there were, the only thing I discovered was that fire or solar enemies were hard to deal with

the UI is absolutely fine, concise and makes sense

I have one problem with the tiered currency, in that there is no way to exchange the lower ones for the higher ones, I found myself just hoping for a black hole piece and drop rates were screwing me over a little bit

The wormhole tower was a godsend, it made things feel so much better, a possible upgrade should you want to add it is a range upgrade

(1 edit)

Keep the information in mind that I could only run it at 2 fps with my crappy windows computer

1. I think the hectic element is balanced, but the saturn tower is of course very powerful. And from what I can tell, the stardust for completing the level and upgrading the towers feels alright

2. No current solid ideas, but a way to push back enemies might be a good tower to have

3. At the moment, I wish there was a way to carry more than one piece of stardust, carrying only one at a time felt a bit tedious

4. As far as different land types go, it would be interesting to see like a mud floor that slows your walking speed, as getting to places quickly is quite important here.

5. The flow of the game is definitely smooth, but it was a little bit unclear on how to interact with things at first. The biggest trouble I had was actually trying to get the stardust into places, I'd accidentally move too far into the box/black hole and throw the stardust past it.

6. Showing on the UI what buttons you need to press for things to happen is very useful, If I didn't know that E was a common interact button among games, I wouldn't have known what to do with things unless I checked that actual game page.

7. I'm not sure of any additional behaviors, but something that might be interesting is if certain enemies had effects on you as you moved near them, slowdown, drawing you in, pushing you away, etc. might be interesting since movement is so important to getting things done.

8. I don't think I found any specific strategies other than calculating where the optimal points to put the saturn towers based on area of effect on a grid based system.

Add: I actually had a lot of trouble getting up the stairs in level 2, and I don't know if this is a bug caused by my laggy computer, or if it is an actual bug.

So take this all with a grain of salt, as I had to use my incredibly laggy Windows computer

1. I found it a bit frustrating, as it felt as it would often come out of nowhere, and then never stop pursuing you

2. I found that they where relatively easy to figure out, but I found them infuriating to use. I very much disliked that I couldn't look at the mini map and still move at the same time, not to mention that opening your window is something that wasn't really intuitive, and so for a bit I was just quite literally flying blind

3. The only layout change I think it needs is to have the minimap just be part of your movement view, instead of its own panel

4. I had a lot of trouble working through my computer's lag, so I don't think I can answer this accurately

5. It felt a little slow to me, but again, that may just be the lag

6. not applicable

7. I wasn't aware there was an oxygen system, and it isn't clear how much oxygen you have left until you're already dead from running out.

8. No additional comments

1. I actually felt really engaged! a secondary objective might be a nice optional thing to have, but it's not required in my opinion.

2. All the music and sound effects were perfectly fine, but in future levels a different music track might be fun to have, just so you're not listening to the same thing over and over.

3. Combat feels great, but I honestly forgot I had a counter move. I also didn't know what the meat was below our special bar.

4. I feel like having some actual combos might be a fun way to keep engagement, maybe as unlocks for doing certain things in missions. 

5. The difficulty was pretty good in my opinion, maybe a little higher than it should be for a first level type thing.

6. The visuals were very well done, and I love that you could destroy your surroundings, made it very fun to just destroy everything in sight, not just the enemies. I feel like some particle effects are necessary for your special move, not just a sound and your enemies getting really hurt. I also loves the art style of your character and the enemies, really reinforced the Dnd inspiration.

7. It performed wonderfully on my machine, which I expected as my Mac can run some pretty intensive games.

8. I've kinda already put all my suggestions in previous answers, great job!

1. The movement itself if pretty nice, but I feel like I had a different idea on how the shotgun worked, It's best used as a momentum amplifier, not like a double jump. Once I figured that out it was easier to work with. One major thing about the grappling hook is that you need to be able to detatch with the spacebar, I found it a little odd to control having to click again to detatch. This would also help comboing the grapple with the shotgun for more momentum.

2. From what little of the fog I experienced in the tutorial, it seemed fine? But I didn't get past the tutorial. The fog came in while I was still trying to get over the spikes, and I got a little frustrated dying from something I couldn't even reach yet.

3. Once you figure things out its fine, but it feels a little unintuitive starting out.

I had trouble walljumping, but that just be my own computer being slow and laggy. And in the tutorial where you reach the box to move, it's not clear that you really need ot use the shotgun to give you that last little bit of height to reach the platform, as the basic jump doesn't get you there, and you apparently can't walljump off blue stone. I also recommend having a checkpoint system, as there were a bunch of times I died in the tutorial later on, and it made me start from the beginning, which was a little annoying.

4. I can't completely say, but I'm leaning towards no, as it's already kind of difficult. But maybe as the levels progress and increase in challenge.

5. I found that upward slopes are really weird, and I think sometimes they treat you as if you're falling and sliding off the wall.