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A member registered Jan 23, 2022

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(4 edits)

I feel the need to share my Level 1 PB as I've grinded for quite some time for it. 

9s 56f (converted to 9.933 in decimals)

Good luck to anyone who might try to beat this

P.S. correct me if I'm wrong, but the highest each second can hit is a .59 because it measures 60 frames a second

(1 edit)

i see, okay cool.
more feedback if you do update: change the colour of the cube just a little to contrast from the background (although the trail does quite a good job) and also maybe a "replay" of PB (if possible)
also, the level 4 and 5 PBs get erased often, which is weird

any way to return to menu?

impossible to start at all

needs some fixing up, the platforms aren't even platforms...and it's super laggy.
like the idea though

difficulty curve too steep