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A member registered Dec 26, 2021

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Spoiler: ik i said this before butttt

I noticed that all major characters that we meet have the same colors and  meeting order as the same of the colors of the Rainbow, Ollie being Red and so on but replaying the vn since its so good btw, I noticed Nate/Nathalie's color and his name color, it was the same as violet, im wondering if there is gonna be a reunion with him or he will be replaced by another character later on, btw again ive commented before nice vn i loved it, its so original  made me want to replay it many times before and completing every single possible outcome

(1 edit)

Honestly i just loved everything about this and also the concepts you came up with i finally found out and got the 2 pins that were available and realized were going to meet and say good bye to more people

here's hoping there would be a reunion
PS: I cried while realizing everything and i know i will miss the characters

Tbh i really thought the Vn was gonna end so suddenly and so soon But i was wrong this is pretty good the visuals are amazing

I loved the game tbh despite its not high quality the story writing carried the entire VN, I finished this in 1 sitting because of how i was attached to it, I loved every moment as well, I was just abit sad that there was no kiss scene tho But still Over all 10/10 game i hope there's a continuation of it, Keep it up!

How to get Darius's Interactive scene?

How to get Darius's interactive scene?

Uhmm there is a bug I cant seem to Put on or Unequip anything

Me too idk how to even do it

Is the newer and NSFW updates gonna be paid or still free?
or your gonna make a SFW version free?