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A member registered Oct 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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I do plan on releasing an Avengers pack as well as a Batman pack. Eventually.

Is this plugin compatible with the plugins from VisuStella MZ?

You get an error for the battlebacks with an enemy encounter happens in the web browser game.

Thank you for all the support!

I used the VisuStellaMZ Battle Core Plugin for the look of the battle screen.

Wow, this was an incredible find. Can't wait to see your renditions of the Trinity and Dark Fantasy Characters.

(1 edit)

Wow, these are really incredible. I hope you continue to make the rest of the cast of characters re-imagined in this way.

It was updated to downloadable but still nothing to download?

That's awesome. Looking forward to the full release!

Thank you.

Yes, please use them.

That was a really fun little game you made. Great Job!

If you look on my page there are different ones in the series.

The resource was created with the RPG Maker template Bases.

Wow, these came out really good. Everything looks great!

Yeah, that would be great!

Whoooohoooo! These are awesome!

(2 edits)

I don't see the battler for people 3-7 in the download?

Just out of curiosity, do you also have a walking sprite that matches the style you've created for People 2-8 as well?

Any news on a demo?

That's awesome news; can't wait!!!

Any news on when the demo might be released?

Looks really cool. Can't wait for the demo!

(1 edit)

That was awesome! Would you mind sharing how you did the speed line/action cut in, effect? I can never get that to look right.

Okay, no worries. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I opened the standard MZ project (not TileD) but there doesn't appear to be any sample maps. Is that an oversight or does this just not come with any?

I remember playing Legion Saga 2 almost 20 years ago and was blown away by how well the RPG Maker engine was used and how much the story and game-play felt like a real RPG for the NES. It was/is an inspiration to what can be accomplished with the RPG Maker programs!

Looks Awesome!

Yeah, I think sample maps are always kinda helpful to allow the buyers to see the intended way to use certain tile/tile combinations.

I was just wondering if the download came with sample maps or not?

Looks awesome!

This looks cool, I'm going to give it a try!

This looks pretty cool!

Wow, these tracks sound great! Incredible job on them!

Just re-downloaded this set and there is nothing in the folder "01_MATERIALS"?

Just picked this one up; it's awesome!

Just out of curiosity, are you planning on releasing any face graphics or character sprites that match all the batters you've released over the last few weeks?