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A member registered Nov 30, 2019

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I really like the game. I'm not sure whether you have intended it, but it has a really cool meaning. If you look on the comments of Markilpier's video, '3 Scary Games #33', Momzashi explained it really well in the comments.

'At the end of the game, we see this quote:
"Limits, like fear, is often an illusion."
"Slender - Lonely Home"
Despite this being a Slender-Man game, our antagonist never appears but once.

Is this game's existence purely just to play on your fear? You know who Slender is, you know what he does, but nothing happens? You see him for a split second, but then he disappears. Gone, zap, cabloosh.
Whenever you collect the pages, it's supposed to get harder, as all Slender games do. If so, then why do we remain alone? The sounds change, but that was just to keep you on your toes. The radio playing the scary noises, the thumping, the shuffling around the house. Was there any REAL cause? Was there an actual entity causing these noises? Or was it just fear our character was experiencing?
Lonely House.

It's almost like Slender-Man was never there.'
