ngl, i thought i was gonna get an actual image from it, but oh well :/ cool anyway!
Gaetano De Paola
Recent community posts
While short and simple in gameplay, it's a very good game, and the message behind it is exactly what people need to learn about to respect transexuals, like you would respect any other person.
Here's a PSA for ya: if you're a dick to transexuals and LGBTQ+, and actively try to offend/harass/objectify/ridicule/abuse them, I see no reason why I shouldn't return the favor and call you a piece of shit. Because that's what you are. You're a piece of shit. You keep disrespecting people that are even just a little different than you, just because your weak lil brain can't comprehend the very simple concept of not being the only type of person on this fucking planet. They've done nothing wrong to you, and yet you keep being a lil shit for no reason.
By being destructive, and refusing to be civil when discussing about this kinda stuff, you're essentially killing humanity as a whole. Slowly, but surely. We're all more than willing to discuss, and be respectful and polite, but it has to go both ways. I'm not asking you to knee down or put us on a pedestal, I'm asking you to respect us in the same exact way you would respect anyone else, a.k.a. without slurs or insults thrown at us every 5 seconds. It's not that hard. It really isn't, and you're delusional if you think that.
In general, the more destructive you'll act towards others, the more conflicts there will be, and the less progress our society will do as a whole. Do you STILL want to go back to the neverending horror and killing that have been wars? I'm sure you don't. Nobody with a functioning brain does (keyword being "functioning"). We lost so, so many humans because of wars, all for nothing. It's insane. People without a brain still praise this shit.
Everything that happened in the wars, every person shot by a bullet, every resource that has been destroyed, every bomb that has been dropped, every family that has been decimated and killed, could've all been easily avoided, through diplomacy and strategic planning. Through civilty, discussion, and a pinch of respect. Learning to understand each other. Y'know, since we all live on the same planet, you could at least try that.
But you prefer killing over that, don't you. You prefer being a disrespective lil shit, and bringing down innocent people, and starting fights for no reason. Go ahead then, see where that gets you, and all of humanity. I'll give ya a hint: inside the fucking ground. Good day.
The graphics are REALLY cool and cute (except the sprites for the hold notes could be more visible); however the gameplay is a bit bad (at least on the web version, the one I played), because of the badly timed notes to press. I really wanna like this game though, I think it looks really charming and neat otherwise, and it would benefit a lot from having a better gameplay.