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A member registered Dec 05, 2021

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So first things first i LOVVEDD these endings so cool, great work to everyone envolved.

I can't explain how much this game has changed me. The only thing i can really do is thank you because i have never felt and related to game characthers (specifically Iggy and Genzou) this intensely.

I discovered the game when arc 4 was fully released but only played when arc 5 part 1 came out so i could experience it more compleatly than before and OMG ITS THE BEST GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED LIKE SERIOUSLY and its a really beautifull story and it helped me a LOT with my sort of sexuallity discovery.

And on that note i REALLLYYY want to tell you how much i relate to Iggy because omg i felt like i was watching a version of me on many ocasions and i also want to thank you because while playing i went on a sort of search of the meaning of asexual (given the fact i didn't know much about it) and it beautifully represents the things i feel and think (and the relationship between Iggy and Genzou makes me really miss a friend of mine) and  their more personal scenes really hit me hard (in a good way!!) and knowing its ok to feel out of place and having that special someone tell you you are not broken is so so so amazing. 

I have been in a really bad state mentally and this game has helped me see things in so many new ways so thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!

And to finish this awful long confession i want to thank you for working so hard on this game and never giving up on these projects, i'll be watching for everything you do next and i hope you and everyone who reads this to have a great day/night ;)