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Gabriel - S

A member registered Jul 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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With shape and line tools it would be complete

no man u not loser your right

really 5 minutes? wow

it's not that   great ,   and it's also too short , you can literally finish it in 2 minutes. Also you could have putten more effort into the sirenhead model , like add some details , i get that it's ps1 style   but 

it's awasome but how do i write plugins?

Thank you for the feed back! This game is not in development actually. It was a small program that i did when i started to get into programming

Omg thank you so much , i'll probably make an update to make the game a little bit longer :-)

non ha molto senso , sopratutto per chi non programma con unity , tutte le opzioni sarebbero corrette ma dipende dalle variabili , funzioni e dall'ambiente in cui si lavora ,  solamente chi ha usato unity (tipo io)  puo capire a cosa si riferiscono le domande ma per chi usa UE4 o godot puo' essere molto disorientante

(1 edit)

the game was very boring and monotone in my opinion , but I think it's forgivable because it was made in 1 week ,  btw it was not that bad

you should change the music

This is a Simple program i made using c++ , i hope you like it. plese write feedback

i made this in c++

ok , you conviced me , i quitted the game bye

This is beatiful

(1 edit)

this was really short lol

nice game but it would be cool if there was an endless mode or something like that

you are right!!!

nice game

ok thanks

this game wasn't interesting like the others and it was too short

how do i download this?

too short :-(

but great game

(1 edit)


i love this game alot :-)

(i found the secret)

but i don't have friends to play with :-(

please leave a feedback i really need it

Please leave a Feedback


it dosen't work help pls

i need help  ! how do i add mod to this game ???