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A member registered 15 days ago

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hey there! id like to leave some suggestions i have for the game that we could maybe see in the future

- first we could see more countries such as 馃嚘馃嚱 馃嚠馃嚥 馃嚡馃嚜 馃嚞馃嚞 馃彺鬆仹鬆仮鬆仴鬆伄鬆仹鬆伩 and maybe northern ireland

- customize the artist like how u are able to customize delegations

- we could also have an option to set it as a grand final edition only (without semis)

- maybe the ability to pick a host (eg when some poor country wins / if it wins twice in a row we could have the option to choose if they host or have another country to host)