Hello again! I’ve been trying to add custom facial expressions to the shark, but I’m totally lost because I expected to see GestureLeft and GestureRight in the FX Layer, but there’s no reference to those anywhere, the majority of the parameters are just missing and I can’t find them. I found the logic for the clothing toggles in the VRCFuryNode game object, but even in there, nothing about gestures. Where should I look so I can create my own animations for her face expressions? Thanks :)
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Hello there! I just bought the Savior Shark, she’s super cool! I did notice that the “Straps by Vinuzhka” are clipping into the arms, changing the blend shape “Fix for bodysuit1” from 100 to 0 fixes this totally, and I also spotted that the “Reckless Garter” has clipping on the inner thighs, which is resolved by changing the blend shape “InnerThighIn” from 0 to 100, but on play using Gesture Manager it keeps reverting back to 0 and clips again no matter the body size. I’ve attached some pics so you can see what I mean, this is on version 1.23 of the avatar :)