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A member registered Nov 21, 2020

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Hi! Just downloaded the demo and enjoying so far, but I can't go too much further on it. The game image freezes, but I can still listen the game is running on "the background". I tried all of resolutions, windowed mode, went from Ultra to Very Low graphics and still got the same problem. 

Happens in no particular part of the game. It froze on the main screen, after 10mins playing or even after 1 minute playing. I kept saving everytime to guarantee I wouldn't lose my progress, but it's unbearable. Right now I'm on the subway, but can't get past it: it froze talking to Tomas, froze before I even get the option tot talk to him, froze right after I talked to him and so goes on. 

I'm playing on Windows 10, on a laptop. I don't believe it's something with my graphic card because I play Sims 4 on very high without crashing.

I created an account just to comment. I started playing LGBT visual novels here on just for the 18+ sex content. I still play some games by the same reason duh

BUUUT... One day I found your game and downloaded with the same purpose in mind. Oh boy, I wasn't ready. This game GOT ME for real. I started playing i, and when I realized I was 4 hours in the game, sun almost rising!

I've always been an avid reader, but somewhere in my adult life I lost this addiction. "Straight!?" kinda relived this long lost hobby because it has a really good writing and complex characters. Now I'm not enjoying "bland" games anymore (which is good!) and I also keep coming back here for updates, just like I keep searching updates on George Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire novel lol

Keep up the good work. 

(sorry if I wrote something wrong, I'm brazilian and my english is not perfect)