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A member registered Jan 30, 2022

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I don't have high hope to games made from RPG Maker, the entry level is low, the Ui & Format are pretty much the same.

But this one? This one is different, I can tell the devs put a lot of efforts into the game. Despite using the same format, ever since I start playing this game, I CAN'T stop playing it till the end.

This game actually gets me excited for the day just to rush back to play and wanted for more. The last time I felt like this was playing Persona 5. It is so good that I only missed three events in the v0.308 in my entirely of my first playthrough. (I made like 90 saves, each b4 some cutscenes / new encounters)

I can't wait to seek out for more plot (& bad endings[Porn]) for the future updates of the game. Thank you for making this game

How you do toggle Moan?

My suggestion would be.. hmm maybe BDSM toys?  Positions that involve leash & pulling? ball gag for yourself or the characters? Face hugging?
Voodoo Dolls that can cause abdominal bulge and cum inflation would be amazing too!

Loving this game so far! The animation is smooth and the grindiness of the game is perfect for this type of game. Can't wait for future update and new poses!