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A member registered Nov 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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That's a great attitude :) Good luck my friend!

Very VERY good first horror game! I think I only have one piece of feedback, which is that it takes too long to get back into the game after getting caught. Even then, maybe I shoulda just died less times haha. Keep up the good work man, I'll definitely keep my eyes open for your future projects :)

Glad you liked it, thanks for playing!

Very nice idea! Good job.

I'll make sure to check it out :)


thank you!

Thank you

Thanks pal

Thanks for playing my game! Sorry if you were laggy...

¡Me alegra que te guste! El personaje, desafortunadamente, no puede correr. Pero tu reseña significa mucho para mí, gracias.

This game is such a trip. I love it

Very interesting idea you have there. The GetMouseButton made me chuckle. Very good for ~1.5 hours.

You get an A+

Cool, hope you had fun making it

Very nice game! Good atmosphere, great VA, good gameplay. The room feels tight and cramped, and the outside feels you feel unsafe and vulnerable.

If I may ask, how long have you been making games for and how long did this game take to make

Very nice!

I played one of your games a bit ago, and once I saw your splash screen I got real exited. The game is amazing and has a very good sense of humor. Great job!

Pretty nice game. The story is interesting and was somewhat funny to see happen. I wish the game was a bit longer, and the setting a bit bigger. But other than that, very good game! Keep up the good work!

Pretty good game. It has a nice simple layout, which is perfect for a game like this. The basement scene caught me off guard, and I wish that there were more things like it. That's my only problem, the built up tension doesn't really lead anywhere. All and all, wonderful game!

Very good game with some nice tension. The chase and monster design scared me and the game looks very pretty! I would like to have a settings menu added to your next project, but overall amazing work!