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A member registered Jun 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the suggestion! If I ever make this a full game, I'll definitely make the levels to increase the difficulty more gradually.  I made this jam version hard because otherwise it would be too short.

Thanks for playing!

Thank you for playing! :)

I only tested Xbox controller to be honest, I would like to add support for others too.

You're right, I should clarify that thing about that dashing in any direction, it's very useful in later levels.

Thanks for playing! 

Thanks for playing!

Did you try using a controller? I added gamepad support.

10/10 emosido engañado

Congrats! You've do so much and it's looking very good :)

It really makes a difference to spend even 10-15 minutes in your project than nothing at all.

I started working on my game like that until I could work full time on it, but I didn't have to start from zero thanks to the sum of those "not-so-productive" days!

Take your time and keep up the good work!

Also, I like this font :D

Quise decir que tuve que reescribir el código para soportar Steam Cloud en PC, ahora el progreso del juego se guarda en un archivo externo. Esa misma lógica estoy usando para la Switch pero sacando la parte de integración con Steam.

Todo el sistema de guardado fue modificado para poder soportar Steam Cloud saves, así que debería estar bien :)

Thank you for your feedback, I've already made that change for the full version of the game, you'll be able to dash with the left trigger :)

Thank you!

Thank you for the interest but it is already coming to Switch!

Thank you!

Thanks for playing and for your suggestions, in the final game I'll be sure to add options to re map the controls to whatever the user prefers. 👍

I like the eerie feeling👻

Ending 1 was my favorite. Also, this font is really cool. Keep up the good work! 👍

Yeah, I want a ghost dog too!

Thank you! I wanted to recreate that Game Boy feeling with a 3D touch 

Thanks! I like that video too 😁

Sí, hay demasiados juegos con ese nombre, lo que dificulta encontrarlo en Steam.

Buena sugerencia 🙂

Thank you for your comment. I'm glad that you liked it. 👏

Thank you for playing! I'm glad that you liked it, I enjoyed watching your stream 👏😊

Thank you! 🤗

Awesome! Thanks for playing 🤗

Thank you for your comment! 🤗

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! 🤗

Thanks for playing! 🤗

Thank you! 👍👏


Los valores de los juegos en Unity se almacenan en el registro de windows


Cuando el personaje aparece lejos, dónde lo habías dejado originalmente? 

Es probable que al borrar el progreso en la nueva versión se elimine el de la versión 2019 porque se almacenan en el mismo lugar. Yo creo que tienes un conflicto entre las dos versiones. Podrías probar de iniciar una nueva partida en la versión actual pero utilizando un slot distinto al actual.

The updated version now starts in window mode instead of fullscreen.

(1 edit)

That's what I'm making right now! I'll post here when it's uploaded.

I tested it on different computers with no problems. Could it be that your anti-virus is blocking the app?

(1 edit)

sorry to hear that, I uploaded a different version for 32-bit Windows x86

It was made and tested on a computer with Windows 7 - 64 bit, so it should work. I'm working on an update for the demo and I'll make sure to compile it for both versions.👍

Cool! I'm working on an update for the demo

Thanks! I'll update it soon : )

Thanks for playing! You're right about the Grim Fandango vibes, I really love that game :)

I have in mind some secondary quests that I'd like to add so you can explore the world at your own pace.

About the progression system, I don't want to add anything too complex but it's true that you need a motivation to fight with enemies, I'm trying to keep the amount of fights to the minimum so it doesn't become too repetitive. I try to make each battle feel unique.

Thank you for your suggestions!

I am working on an updated demo, It should be ready on a couple of weeks. I think it's better if you wait, I feel the new version is way better :)

Hi! Nice to know you've been following the development of AFTERLIFE :) 

I should point out that I added lots of stuff to the game since the release of this demo. Even though I feel it is a bit outdated, it can give a general idea of what the game is going to be. Hope you like it and good luck with your projects too!