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A member registered Aug 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hello! The short answer is no. Since the world size is finite, almost every resource is limited (with the exception of those dropped by creatures). You are right that the game basically never says that, since I haven't implemented a tutorial. The loading screens do offer some tips about scarce resources and other things, but they are totally random. There are some inconvenient alternatives to gathering strings and derivatives, though. Common chests (those found in the surface) can contain string and cloth. Also, zombies can drop cloth with a 15% chance. I apologize about that, although it was intended by design that the player would need to take care the finite resources of their world.

Thanks for playing the game and taking your time to leave a comment! Really appreciate it.

What you wrote is totally true, the game lacks in many aspects and could be improved massively, but I'm still trying to decide the general direction to take the game in (and honestly also whether I'm going to continue working on this project or not). The truth is that my vision for Flatlands has changed so much that it wouldn't make much sense trying to fit it into this game, since it would basically be a whole different game (even graphics-wise). That's why I removed the "Early Access" stuff and the planned additions. Seeing people like you comment here kinda makes me want to get back on foot with the development, but I'm still currently conjecturing about it. Once again, thank you!


First of all, thanks A LOT for taking your time to play the game and to post this topic, it really means the world to me. When I released the game a couple of months ago, I was aware of many of the points you made, but I took the decision to let the feedback help me shape the game design. I basically intended to be roasted to death, so I could become a better developer and make a greater game. Turns out people were kinder (and didn't comment as often) as I expected. Some weeks ago I realized I should be actively trying to make the game better, despite of solely relying on feedback, so I released my plans for the next big update.

Anyways! Now that I have some really good points to work with, I'm actually very excited. Here's how I will be addressing some of the issues (please let me know what you think):

  • More intuitive interfaces.
  • Some sort of tips or tutorial system.
  • Bigger worlds with more resources.
  • Animal breeding system.
  • Fix the damn spawn system (this really bothers me as well).
  • The "spikes" in the caves are actually stalagmites, intended to be just decorative, but making them give damage would be cool.
  • I swear I coded a fix to the boss spawn-kill problem, guess I didn't test it properly. Also, it follows you through floors because it's a ghost, but maybe that's OP.
  • Yes, the right-click on ropes...
  • The inventory/hotbar issue is the only stuff I'm kinda reluctant to address, because I want the player to be thoughtful about space, and bags should be indispensable items. For now I will be adding shortcuts to make swapping items less of a trouble. In the future I will rethink the whole design and/or make it easier for players to obtain better bags.
  • A big improvement for the combat system is already coming in the next update.
  • All the other issues will also be investigated, but I don't want to bother you with more text :)

Thanks again for being so analytical with the game.

Thanks for your feedback! New content coming ASAP.

Nice daisy collection

Thanks for the report! There was an issue with the download link, but it's being fixed right now.

Not gonna lie, my heart skipped a beat with your review. Good job, and thanks for your comment!