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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

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i was buying just wood on the last 2 prestiges, this is what i ended up with, all upgrades bought

also wood absolutely runs away with the game

1405 goes way too fast, i've imported my save from 1305 with couple thousand prestiges and i went to 650M prestiges right away and now i can prestige for over 100B just a few minutes later and i have all but last 3 upgrades

changing color is fine, incessant blinking is not :-D

please make the prestige button blinking optional!

also it is not worth it to prestige with 1 point (which is when it started blinking) the logic of doubling reward makes some sense (though i still dont need a game to tell me what to do) but the base production is 100% so it should not be blinking before 50 points...

there are now stats in settings and separately on main screen, seems redundant

is there a way to get progress from 1101 to 1201?

still doesnt work, why does it need installer in the first place? most of the itch game downloadables are fine to run just extracted from zip

couple days i managed to break the game... im not sure where exactly my number formats overflowed but im now on negative energy and negative xp...


also my games are wiping again on refresh to v0.0.8, can we do the discord thing (the previous invite link expired)

there are "Eamil" and "Confurm password" in the account creation fill-in form

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btw have you seen the action bar spiking outside of it's bounds? especially during motivation...

(it happens every cycle, gyazo just doesnt have enough framerate to capture it every time, but it caught a few to demonstrate there)

can we get a mana ability for Groug? some suggestions:

- cleave attack

- finishing move prioritizing wounded enemies

- life leeching attack (this one would be super useful for my solo game without healer ;) )

it's very nice of you and i really appreciate the offer but that said, the game i restarted goes very nicely and i'm already getting close to wave 80 straight after reincarnation so i should be where i was in the original save in couple more hours of grinding :)

i think the golden enemies help speed up the progress as you get more gold and exp and even though the modified lvl 50 is bit of the hurdle to overcome once i got past it the game sped up quite a bit

and i just found out what lvl 50 is... that means the solo guy wont be able to overcome it ever (well maybe with some months/years of grinding with how the costs scale) because without the RP bonus from 25 he wont get any speed / def base increase so he can never defeat that loadout i think

that sounds really good. btw i now have 2 games 1 with new save which is getting the story prompts and will get healer and one without them which is also in the forest, so far they are progressing similarly, skeletons dont seem to make much of a difference. im curious how it will continue, but im thinking the borked save may get into trouble after 25 when it wont get the RP/GE bonus after killing the skull for the first time so im not sure if it will be able to get to 50 in a reasonable way :(

although solo run may be fun too :-D

actually i tried one run on the wiped save on 7.1 and now it did load properly after the reload so i guess i can continue from scratch, but i guess i should od a new game bc now i dont know if it would give me new healer after 25 due to the cutscene it gave me after the previous load

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well, so i was about this far (

and after refresh im completely wiped, i got the "more story soon" cutscene but i dont even have the healer

im not playing again until i can rely on not losing hours of progress all over again

btw there is no way to export from the game? i just realized that im on v0.0.6 and if i refresh the tab i lose everything

what does wisdom do exactly? it's such a mysterious stat

i quite like it.

do you have a discord for the game?

a random bug: Farmer plows show price of 5B but i cant afford it while having more, i assume the price is in fact 5T just badly displayed

suggestion: do something so the upgrades are all visible without scrolling... the empty half of the bar just for "upgrade purchased" note is literally dead space, make the buttons smaller put them two lines and let them all fit in please

feels like a chore trying to get some initial progress done, i gave it 20 minutes, didnt get much in a way of progress and moved on

game is fun, pity there's no conclusion to the story once you go through all the ages

oh, thanks, i;ll keep in mind in case i case the situation again, but i managed to get to second mana absorb (with 440 star power thanks to some smart star respecs along the way and a lot of manual clicking) and after it the story caught up and it;s back to full auto. which is really good because without it and without you sharing the command i was considering quitting it rather than to start over... im glad i dont have to do either :)

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ok, thanks, another unfortunate bug i've found is that if you happen to refresh the page and load from save you do lose whole story progression, so now i have starts but i don't have automation :'(

other than that im quite enjoying the mechanics

hey there, looks to me like there are 2 mistakes on star tab? there are 2 records for each fixed and mutable but nothing for earth and air

Thank you, very nice game, not long but i probably wouldnt want this too long with how active most of it is.