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A member registered May 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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XD I guess capitalism can be seen as a darkness though 

Third game in the set at 53:40

I really loved the style of this game. It was unsettling but in a really unique way. Also interesting to see horror done where darkness, shadows, and jumpscares are never a theme. 

Great environmental feel. Was always paranoid that something or someone was watching me. 

Game starts at about 9 minutes in.  

First game in the set. 

As a first game, I'm really impressed. Had a lot of fun in both parts, good job with the unsettling monster too. 

Last game at 51:47. Great job with atmosphere. I was so paranoid and then that ending! 

34:24 in. LOVED the vibes. Just walking down the path had me spooked. Great job.

23:51 in. 
Gotta say, not what I was expecting but a great story about guilt. 

15:00 in. Silly at times but legit had me thrown off with some good spooky vibes in the store. Great job with the mannequin model.

First game in the video! 
I really loved the art AND the music. Great job.