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A member registered May 08, 2020

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This game is soooo good. I can't put it into words how dedicated I felt to all the characters and wanted the main gang to do well. On my first route I went for TJ and I'm not entirely sure how I felt about the ending and was gonna delete until I read a comment about how heart breaking Leo's route was and had to play again. I was kinda expecting a simular experience but it's completely different and there's just so much effort put into this game that I had to experience everything. Now I think I've seen pretty much everything there is to see (There's one for each character exept Leo who has two I think but if there's somehow more please tell) and now I'm probably gonna obsess about them all an unhealthy amount. I loved the references to Adastra btw and this game has inpired me to try and get back into art again (definitely tons of Leo fan art). Sorry for this long ass rant but it comes from the heart.

I've already watched gameplay (Markiplier) but it still scared me. The 'Escape Artist' Ending was a bit confusing tho because I got caught but still won.

The game is fun but I kept dying because I couldn't turn around fast enough. It would be nice to have sensitivity controls.

Played it, It's good. Even runs well even on my crappy laptop.

Step one: Open loads of instances of desktop goose

Step two: Let chaos reign

Not sure whether this is meant to happen but I just get stuck in the last room and literally nothing happens. Overall great game but I spent like 5 mins spamming E and Q for fun and watched the game play to find out that's the end. I also managed to get a hold of the mechanics without ever playing the original games so that's a plus.

This could be a great survival horror  if you added more to it. : )