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A member registered Jul 10, 2023

Recent community posts

The game is very good and It has a Lot of potential, one little suggestion i have which i think would make the game even more engaging is videos and gifs playing during sex scenes

Man, this game is almost perfect, the closest thing to the Idea i have of what would be the perfect nsfw game, the only suggestion i have to give is implementing videos and/or Gifs instead of static images, the images could be the portrait of the characters but once the "action" begins a video would play to demonstrate what is happening. Anyway, amazing game!

(2 edits)

I LOVE this game, it's perfect in every conceivable, but even so i have some suggestions, These being:

1- Being able to fuck every enemy once you defeat them.

2- Being able to be evil and force yourself on NPCs, actions which would eventually lead to an secret ending

That's It.

Conforme tu for jogando e streamando, eventualmente vc vai desbloquear no Pc um atalho chamado "Lady parts", aí é só ir lá e comprar. Vai no Pc, clica em Lady parte, lá vc escolhe a parte que quer, compra ela e pronto

I agree with you, your suggestions are valid and actually good. Just to add, If they ever happen to make your ideas part of the game,they could change the name of the game to "My dystopian robot lover", i think It sounds cool.