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A member registered Dec 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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i honestly quite enjoyed tho i have encoutered three glitches

1. the save game crash but everyone and their mother is talking about here so i'm gonna move on

2.if i keep roling one of the scoops clockwise i can gain infinite amount of speed 

3. once game didn't spawn cargo for the job i assume it was because i put expired cargo from a diffrent there

ok time for some gameplay feedback

1. the totally a survey drone is pretty annoying for one picking up drone cost stamina, and seeing how you have to do try and error with it doing it while under (even if noexistant) threat running out of oxygen it is not worth the reward i fell that drone still "beeping" while getting carried would elevate some tedium or remowing stamina cost of picking it up

2.while we are on topic of O2 on the desolate planets i feel it runs out way to quick and (not sure if bugged) recharges very slowly and it is a big problem because...

3. every time i go back to ship and back, the planet surface rerolls, and i know it's a pure gameplay loop test and randome generation is a stand in for carefully designed areas, but i was pretty annoyed when i lost my totally a survey drone just because i was scarred of a nonexistant threat, although i probally should act as if there a fail state even if there's none at the moment

4. while i didn't play for long i feel that delivering samey crates can get old quickly maybe have contracts where you have to deliver fragile cargo where if you hit an asteroid cargo gets destroyed, how about animals that you have to feed with food that so far don't have use aside from side quests. maybe some animals have favorites and dislikes or even specific diet that can die if fed or not, or some black market stuff that pay way more but are risky due to cargo being illegal there and you have to dogde patrols, like in tutorial you have to turn off the ship to avoid detection

5. game lacks a penalty for losing a contract, it's kinda akward when contract expires you are stuck with cargo and have to dump it on a planet you don't get response from freight company theres the possibility of money penalty but how about there are diffrent freight companies and if you fail you lose trust but if you're quick enough you gain it and attach some reward to it

6. also add a way to rebind controls on a gamepad

that's most of my major thoughts on game so far i might try doing a third savefile and avoid left warp drive like a plauge or wait for a patch so that hopefuly fixes my save because i quite liked second playthrough honestly can't wait for more your dev diary series is so fascinating i wander what full game will look like