Hey! Downloaded this game few days ago. Already completed it, however i didn't want. Again I'm not talking about the sex scenes or whatever, the story is nice, the places, char. designes are pretty good too. I respect this good work! Really looking forward the next update. Big up, Mucski.
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Hey! I'm here, once again.
After playing for another few hours a again realized how freaking good this is. I also realized the desperation for this being real. I actually had this feeling in couple of games, one of them was Cyberpunk, the other ones are roleplay games. I am proud to say that this has better story than anything. It's the type of a game, that will change your view on the real world! Unfortunately, I would not recommend this to someone having some sad times in life. I am a little jealous of all the characters in this game. I know, it sounds weird and maybe I'm the only one feeling like this.. but whatever, it's worth it.
Gonna come back here after playing the whole game. Once again, thank you, Caribdis.
Okay.. here me out. I'm not the type of person that likes fap NSFW games and stuff.. but man. This game is something different. I'm not talking about the sex scenes, I'm not even that far in the story but it will eat you up. The artworks are gorgeous and the relationships are even better. It's actually the first game like this I play and I don't regret installing it. I don't understand why is it free and I'm giving a freaking huge tip when I get the chance! As I said I'm not talking about the s*x scenes, I'm talking about the story and the idea behind it. It would be really nice if this was a movie or a full AAA game. If you looking for story thrilling game with aspects of relationships and sometimes s*x, it's a must have. I guess I'm not even that far in the story.. but man, this thing is something different. I'm gonna give an update when I play it whole. At the moment I want somebody to create thing like "Eternum" in real life.
Trust me, you need to at least try this game, you won't regret this. Huge shotout to the team behind this thing, I'm telling you, make a movie or some sh*t.
Fugu out.