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Frown Factory

A member registered Jun 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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"There are no roaches here"

Well, that's good to know...

I had way too much fun screwing around with this

Kinda fun, though I really wished there were some shenanigans one could do with the food, like grilling the milk or something like that.

Creepy atmosphere in this one

The true monster was the pineapple all along

Encountered some jankyness, but overall not too bad. Definitely more than just a walking simulator!

Never played Animal Crossing before,  didn't expect it to be like this...

What a lovely night for a walk in the park; I sure hope I won't get murdered!

In today's news: factory build in the middle of nowhere closes down, town baffled...

Really good atmosphere, though I wish the enemy sounds were a bit less loud

Really nice atmosphere, plus, I do enjoy the diner as a setting. We don't have them here, so I kinda find them fascinating.

Oh, and btw, the credits song gets blocked in Russia of all places...

(1 edit)

This was a fun one, though I did experience some bugs (or at least, inconsistent behaviour) in my play through

Airports are pretty scary, even when you are secretly the villain all along...

This is one of my favourite games I've found on itch so far, really digging the style and atmosphere, I'm looking forward to future chapters. But please no more chase sequences, it took me so embarrassingly long to succeed at that...

This was one of the most accurate mall experiences ever in a video game. The true horror is the people we meet along the way...