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A member registered Apr 06, 2021

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Two words, BEYOND EXPECTATIONS! No game can ever be considered 100% perfect but this gem comes ridiculously close. The animation, sounds and horror scenes continously kept me engaged and wanting more. The overall story is well written, intriguing and immensely better than most VNs I've played. The comedy alone had me practically falling out of the chair, specifically the MCs encounters in the train cabin, bath house and department store. A whole barrel of laughs and heartwarming moments! I VERY MUCH look forward to adding my support to the finale and any future masterpiece you gift us!!!! 

Created this account just to comment in honor of 0.18, which is something I've been wanting to do since first downloading the game. I'm sure you get hundreds of comments in regards to how good the game is BUT I would still like to add my little slice. No game, no matter what is never 100% perfect but this stands beside some of the best VNs I've played, and I've played a lot this last year. The relationships are humble and emotional, the physical scenes are lewd and exciting and the story just warms your heart, which is something I think we've all needed lately. I am very much looking forward to 0.18 and excited to see just how far the story goes. You keep up the GREAT WORK and continue to share the story of this New Family!!!!