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A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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I think Marble should be put in a blender. I think it would fix him.

suuuuper super fun!!!! i love minesweeper and while I havent played much of tetris, this really feels like it takes the best of both games and combines them into something unique and super enjoyable!!! my current record is 138,279 :D thanks so much for making such a cool game!! im sure im gonna find myself playing it often!!!

I really enjoyed this demo and am definitely looking forward to playing more levels!!! The art direction was also really fun :D I especially like how the item and character design looked like book illustrations! Jimmy was also a very interesting character and I love how his dialogue would switch between extreme friendliness, corporate platitudes, and ominous disregard for mundane details! My main feedback would probably be mouse sensitivity options and maybe the option to speed up dialogue, on occasion the dialogue took a long time to read through so I think it may be helpful to add!
Overall this was very fun, good luck with future development and I hope you have a nice day!!!

love this a lot! i have 10000 ants and they are all very cute :) thank u for making this

This game is lovely! the mechanics are very fun. I hope you have a good day as well!

I really almost cried, the secret memory really got to me :') this is such a good and creative game! the pixel art animation was also very wonderful and smooth. thank you so much for creating such a wonderful game!

This was very sweet! It made me very emotional and the mechanics were fun!

This game is so cute! I love all the little details about each of the cats :)

I really enjoyed this! The movement and combat was very fun :).

This game was really great! The art was very nice and the mechanics were very fun and interesting!