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A member registered Jun 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Well, I checked and that file isn't there. In fact I dont even have an "LD41" folder in my AppData. I tried opening and closing the options menu but nothing seemed to change. I installed the game through the app and not off of the website so i think that might be causing some file storing weirdness, but other than that the game runs perfectly fine.

Thank you for your reply, I now understand completely. Fish indeed.

Juice Jam II community · Created a new topic Fish?

Why is the cursor a fish? Is there a reason? Does it matter? Fish???????????

Saves don't seem to be working on the downloadable version, got 50 score and all secrets but now they're gone ):

Really fun! My hand hurts :D

Absolute Mad Lad, I didn't think anyone would actually do it

Hah, well if you test it out to see how long it takes then I'll update the time it takes to complete on the download page.

Good Luck!

Hey, big thanks! Perhaps I shouldn't have said first project, but this is the first thing I've finished. I've also been thinking about ways to make the ship move a bit smarter, so keep an eye out for that! Glad you enjoyed!

Depends on Chao type

Thanks!  Played your game as well, it was fun!

Really cool concept! could use an in game tutorial, but still fun!

I love it! i found it really fun! Its simple but addictive, and a blast to play. Make sure to add onto it once the jam ends!

It was good! done .

A really good game! I might want to go for a a quieter firing sound though. But still fun!

I really like it! done.

Super fun! can't think of much else to say past that!


Fun! loved the look and the music.  Controls took a second to get used to but not bad!

I already have rated your game!  did that a while ago.  I liked it!

I'd wait a day to be safe.  I'm sure you can change things when ratings are done!

Why not celebrate an extended voting time with a rate for rate?

Might take me a second to get to your games! I promise to play as many as possible!

Fun! Not quite how I like 2D platformers to feel, but thats a matter of opinion. Everything else is great! 

Would love more feedback!

Really fun and simple gameplay loop that hade me playing for longer than I expected!

Really fun! Uses a simple concept and uses it to its fullest.

Fun, with a really good idea!  Reminds me of the Undyne fight in Undertale.

Might work, might not.

Ah sorry for a late reply! Should be working now.  failed to load mono means i forgot to include a certain type of file in the download and unity started freaking out. Now after 40 minutes you may be able to play a sub-par game. Enjoy!

Yeah,  couldn't figure out why that was happening.  Hope you try out the other version anyway!

Great game! With a few updates and a bit more content i could easily see this as a full release!

Not Bad! Double Jumping and friction could use some tweaking, but great job!

Judging by the last word of that sentence that may be a problem with your keyboard