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A member registered Apr 01, 2022

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(2 edits)

~~alright, could I get like… a guide or directions on how to do that? I’m really not the most computer savvy person in the world and get lost easy. I do apologies I’m sure it is annoying~~

Edit: ignore the above I figure out how to go to properties and so far at least  from what I can tell all the properties have are allowed. I do use windows for anti-virus. I did hard close the game while I was playing by accident. Could that have been the cause? Didn’t have any issue till that happened 

edit to the edit: the more I look at the properties the more I don’t see anything specific about making saves

I seem to have a pretty annoying problem. So, I have my save in the saves file… but when I boot up the game it doesn’t show I have any save data. How do I recover my save and keep playing?