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thank you! My character will most of the time gets what he deserves. On the bright side, he’s sustainably sourced! Also I didn’t draw the art by hand, in the art program I use(procreate on IOS), there’s a pencil brush and another brush which I used. I traced the art I made a few times to give it a hand-drawn look. But I’m glad I was able to achieve the intended effect:)

Thank you! I probably could have added the controls to the scrolling intro. NGL I kinda didn’t expect anyone to be able to dodge without the attack so I’m impressed. Also the “L” key is for the attack. 

Thank you :D 

Thank you! Sadly it’s the circle of food. Mostly tunafish. Tunafish named Jerry. 

Thank you for the feedback. The only way I was ever able to beat the game was by spamming the attack key. Using a delay instead of an invincible attack sounds a lot better retrospect lol. I’ll keep that in mind for my next game:)