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Freddy Banjo

A member registered Feb 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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The game is a little hard for me I can only get to lv 2 so far before I have to restart because the horse dude is a little hard to beat

i cant go into the settings

yes this will be a good idea i just thinks hes a bit too big atm

any clue when it might be done?

i got a messesge saying failed to open descriptor file and i wipe my laptop clean so it runs better

wheres the thing to fix the error because i been tying to open the game for half an hour but no luck reeeee

on my laptop it said 3rd party so idk

i cant get it becuse its hosted on a 3rd party werbsite

How powerful is the vn because I use a Thinkpad I got from my college

*screams with happiness* omg this is a thing now yay

why i cant download it??

It cant find the right file for my laptop even tho i chose the right one it sttill wont let me download so thats odd

thx for the info and I found out about this today 

Nu Android?

yay <3

Can this work on a fire Amazon tablet?

I would love to play this but I can't sadly because I have no money to buy it

When will the Android version be made?

It would be a greater experience if it was a movie but I think that will never happen

i dont get how to  play it help

No andriod version?

No andriod version?

Will there be an android version I really want to play it

thx and sorry I haven't check here

You got telegram to send sending me?

Thx for the update :3

thx :

Is there a Android download?

Please be a Android version soon that's English

Will there be an Android version because I want to play this very badly but there's no Android version